Award 🥇 Winning

3D Animation & Design

When doing graphics LOGOs, and branding along with an eye-catching design showing your business’s image is a key element.

We can take your orignal logo bring it into a solid 2D or 3D design if needed to get you noticed and get the attention you need to thrive and grow.

3D Certified Graphics Artist

2 REAL TIME LIVE Motion Capture Body Suits!

Our work cover - Pro Media Vision
Video production - Pro Media Vision

We can analyze your captures from dance moves to sports and medical issues and rehabilitation.

3D Design & Development

We can design and develop logos or cars, houses, VR worlds,set design and characters,

3D Architecture & Character design

We can make landscapes, buildings & characters and then put it all together as one.

*Full Body REAL TIME motion capture suits

We can suit two people up in our rigs.


Real TIme Motion Capture!

Our motion capture suits are portable and can be used live on location for your production needs.

Digital Screen Ads

Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis. Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum. 

Digital Media

Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis. Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum. 

Logo Design

Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis. Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum. 

Real TIme Motion Capture!

3D Animation

Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis. Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum. 

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Welcome page hero image - Pro Media Vision



We can book studio time in our Knoxville Tennessee or Houston Texas locations.

We can also travel to your area or your studio to record for your motion capture needs.

Capturing moves

We can capture not just a walk but, a dance move, karate chop to re-inactment.

Design & Development

Curabitur pellentesque, massa nec rutrum mattis, justo mi consectetur urna, sed lobortis nunc ex vel quam.

IDEAS & Concepts

Integer vel nulla massa. Maecenas a neque sit amet lectus dictum mattis. Maecenas facilisis, arcu volutpat bibendum semper.

Special Offer

Get 25% off on Your FULL BODY SUIT CAPTURE!

Integer vel nulla massa. Maecenas a neque sit amet lectus dictum mattis. Maecenas facilisis, arcu volutpat bibendum semper.

Character motion capture

REAL TIME FULL BODY Motion Capture Body Suit!

Great Communication Skills
Phasellus ac pharetra est. Aliquam eget leo sit amet quam fermentum imperdiet et eu ipsum. Curabitur quis porttitor eros. In non nisi at mi suscipit.

Jodi S.

Restaurant Owner
Gives great ideas and helps you understand production to a new level.
Nam molestie lectus vitae ipsum dapibus, nec volutpat purus posuere. Nullam semper turpis sit amet libero suscipit tempor. Praesent egestas dignissim tristique. Nam posuere fermentum egestas.

Ayana R.

Private Chef


Latest On The Farm

Memious Network

Memious Network

Looking at making your MEME’s into GAMES!!! Challenge your MEME collection against your friends and share.

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HD & 4K Production

HD & 4K Production

We are currently working a animated film called the “Rock & Roll Fantasy” this animated short is with a full original score music tracks.

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Stay In Contact

Nullam lacinia diam at nisl malesuada, sed porta arcu lobortis. Cras vel augue quis turpis scelerisque placerat vel quis nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus.


1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220


(255) 352-6258